Welcome to Promotional Advertising Paintball!
Promotional Advertising has been saving paintball customers money for the past twenty five plus years. During that time, millions of customers have saved tens of millions in dollars using our discount promotional tickets at one of our participating fields throughout the United States. The Paintball tickets cover admission (typically $15-$20) and gun, mask and goggles rental (typically $10 to $15). Each player is required to purchase a minimum of 500 paintballs and compressed air at the parks (*see Parks and Prices for specific paint prices for each park).
For a new player, 500 Paintballs may last approximately 3 hours. 500 Paintballs is a minimum, not a maximum, you can always buy more paintballs. Tickets are sold at a discounted price in person, (from time to time) in a variety of manners when we have a sales rep promoting in your area. Alternatively, you can check for "Paintball" in your market area through GROUPON OR LIVING SOCIAL to see if your tickets are available at a significantly reduced price. Absent of that, our tickets run between $25-$35 each ticket, depending on the market.We don't take any of the fun away from playing paintball. WE JUST TAKE AWAY MUCH OF THE EXPENSE!
If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.
For more information, please call Scott at 312-371-4750 or Jeff at 843-230-8528, or email direct to paintballusasales@gmail.com.